Professionally registered, accredited and fully insured practioner with Enhanced DBS Clearance
* You should aways seek guidance from your GP or healthcare practitioner before attending certain therapy.
Hypnotherpy whilst highly effective as an intervention cannot be guaranteed as it requires personal commitment.

Treat Anxiety at Home for Adults

Treat Anxiety at Home for Children

Treat Anxiety Triggers of Weight Gain
Specialist Advanced EMDR Anxiety Treatment
for Children & Adults
(as recommended and as seen on TV by Prince Harry)
"Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) is the only clinically recommended treatment for Anxiety, Related Disorders & PTSD for trauma lasting longer than 3 months"
- NHS, NICE, World Health Organisation
EMDR is the No. 1 mental health treatment in the world and has been available for 25 years, it is rated over 91% effective by the National Institute for Mental Health, as opposed to counselling or other talking therapies which are only 'coping mechanisms' (where you trauma will come back), EMDR can instead fully resolve 100% of trauma permanently for a full recovery of symptoms and associated behaviors. On average with advanced EMDR a client may only require 1-3 sessions.

At The Kernow Clinic we are specialists in treating PTSD, trauma, adult survivors of child abuse, rape victims and stress, anxiety and associated conditions, pain relief, fears, phobias and weight management.
We provide professional clinically focused services for private clients in all aspects of EMDR
(Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing).
We are supported by GP's and Consultant Psychiatrists and addiction specialists to safeguard our clients well being at all times. We are fully insured and registered with the PHPA.
We provide a FREE no obligation telephone consultation to discuss how me may be able to help you.

COVID-19 Guidance
With safety measures and social distancing in place the clinic is now open for the treatment of anxiety and all related disorders- please call for any help or further information - we remain available at this time for advice on the treatment of trauma, bereavement and increased anxiety.

Proudly serving our Veterans
as a former serviceman
Treatment is offered in the private setting of our therapy clinics
Member of the Professional Hypnotherapy Practioners Association No. 0630 Quality checked by the National Hypnotherapy Society
Specialist Training accredited by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

1 Mind Hypnotherapy in Hitchin and Hertfordshire adn Milton Keynes

Meet Adrian
I'm a fully qualified and registered professional EMDR & Clinical Hypnotherapy Specialist Practitioner, based in the UK in Camelford, Hitchin & London, where I have since 2015 been practicing EMDR after I had witnessed first hand the power EMDR had to heal myself.
Through my extensive positive personal experiences with EMDR I have helped thousands of people regain control of their own lives fast, in a supportive, easy, safe environment, to be finally free from the exceptionally challenging psychological and physical conditions we all may suffer from in our daily lives and in our past effecting us still,
with special regard for the treatment of Covid-19 anxieties.
No matter the anxiety, fear, phobia, stress, trauma, addiction or worries concerning your well-being, or any associated mental health or weight issues you may be struggling with, you can be assured my expert team and I am here to help you every step of the way - why? Because I was once where you were too which is why I changed career to help others.
I have opened up EMDR to the every day person by charging far less - up to 75% less, to ensure there are no barriers to accessing treatment and we dispense with the drawn out convoluted administrative practices that help safely speed up treatment times so you attend far less and pay far less! This is why we are highly recommended by all our clients and our referral rate is very high.
I am also the author of the EASY EMDR series of books for HOME USE - these are the World's 1st books to explain in plain language the No.1 Treatment to fully resolve Anxiety and Emotional Trauma - in just 4 easy steps making EMDR finally accessible to Everyone Everywhere! And with magical spells and illustrations to engage a child's mind they are suitable for use with children and adults. These books are part of a Global Mental Health Change Initiative and are now being read in every continent throughout the world and they are available to buy in paperback or on Kindle from Amazon.
No matter if you buy the books or attend for personal 1-2-1 therapy we are here to help you get to a position of wellness, or return to school or work rapidly and cost effectively - this is our commitment and guarantee to you.
We also work pro bono providing EMDR services to Kids Aid a Northampton based children's charity helping children and their families from disadvantaged backgrounds over come trauma. With over 25% of children suffering from mental health issues and self harm we are industry leaders in the provision of EMDR services healing children and adults.
EMDR is recognised as the 'go to' treatment for anxiety caused by stress by the WHO, NICE and all other leading clinical bodies, it is not a therapy, therapy only works for some people, it is a highly specialist treatment that has a widely published 97% effectiveness rate and has been recognised by the National Institute for Mental Health as being far more effective in tests than even drug therapy.
Clinical Hypnotherapy is fully recognised by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and is one of the 14 most commonly used therapies, also acknowledged by the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, evidenced as an increasingly important area of health care accessed in the UK by 1 in 3 with referrals by GP's now common place in medicine.
The combination of EMDR with Clinical Hypnotherapy results in rapid and immediate change while in the same session. NICE guidelines recommend 6-12 sessions however we have pioneered a system that safely and effectively reduces session times to just 2-4 in 98% of cases whilst still using the recommended EMDR 8 stage protocol - how? because we are highly efficient & experienced & adept in treating clients using EMDR because we've had it too and we save clients £££'s
Hypnotherapy and EMDR Services
With access to EMDR & a very comprehensive and wide range of hypnotherapy methods, I successfully help people with chronic trauma, negative behaviors, phobias, fears, addictions and a wide variety of other symptoms & conditions by employing a variety of specialist techniques all dependent on the unique circumstances of each person, as we are all individual, as is our past that may be the route cause of any underlying conditions or repressed memories that are manifesting in your lives today as unmanageable conditions. Please be assured you are in complete control of yourself at all times during the therapy. EMDR & Hypnosis do not put you to sleep - quite the opposite, it activates your subconscious mind into a natural state of alertness but with a feeling of being very relaxed, you are always aware of what is happening safely around you.
You will achieve the greatest benefits in potentially just one session, in the comfort and safety of the professional office based therapy suite or via our new WEB EMDR Service. Further advanced methods such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) are available for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and many other mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, fears & phobias, bereavement, loss, self esteem issues and weight to name but a few. EMDR is often far more effective than years of psychotherapy as recommended by the World Health Organisation, NHS, NICE, and the APA and government defence organisations for veterans.
EMDR is by far one of the one most incredible treatments available today and is fast becoming the go to clinical treatment of choice to resolve mental health issues, fully, quickly, easily and safely. I've attached a guide right here so you can learn how EMDR could help you.
And if none of that makes any sense whatsoever don't worry, just pick up the phone and i'll explain whats' necessary in plain terms. Rest assured you're in very good and valuable hands, what takes other therapists and therapies 12 sessions to complete, or even months, together it is very possible to achieve the same results in just one to three sessions, without even having to relive or talk about the trauma. And no it isn't a magic wand but it is a very powerful potentially life changing treatment, so much so not only recognised clinical bodies such as NICE and the NHS advocate its use (for the trauma-focused psychological treatment of PTSD - over 3 months old -, it is also the preferred intervention for PTSD recommended by the most senior Consultant Psychiatrists in the UK and the world. To that end I hold an advanced Diploma as a Hypnotherapy Specialist Practitioner, Diploma General Hypnotherapy, Diploma Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) inc. Hypnotherapy, Diploma Advanced Weight Control & Hypnotic Banding Therapist, Diploma Parts Therapy, Diploma Age Regression Specialist - training accredited by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council & quality checked by the National Hypnotherapy Society - but above all else I practice EMDR daily and as such my extensive experience far outweighs even my qualifications.
If you'd like to know more or perhaps you think you could benefit from my help, call to speak to me now or use the contact form below.
Anxiety & Stress | PTSD | Addictions | Fears and Phobias
Confidence in Business | Armed Forces, Police & Fire PTSD | Adult Survivors of Child Abuse | Pain Relief
Specialist Therapy & EMDR Services - £70 per hour
EMDR Specialist Anxiety Practitioner
Wadebridge | Cornwall